Friendship Jewellery

What is the story of friendship behind yours?  


Just before the pandemic hit, I was reunited with my two best friends from childhood after 37 years.  

 We have exchanged some gifts between us, which are really sentimental to me (including jewellery). Each time I wear it, I’m reminded of our extraordinary friendship.   

Here is our beautiful engraved bracelet – we each have one. The engraving, just two words, that mean so much to the three of us.  

 During lock down we all celebrated the same significant birthday, (not in quite the way we had planned). The gift of the virtual hug ring is the promise of the hugs and the good times to come.  

This jewellery also symbolises to me, that we are there for each other and is a reminder of our history together. 

The saying goes “friends are like stars, you don’t have to see them to know they are there” – but when this lockdown is over I’m really going to make sure I see mine. 

Please feel free to share a picture of your friendship jewellery and what it means to you. 


Opalised Petrified Wood Cabochon

